India's first state-owned bank opened male female loans can not open an account
" Times of India" on the 19th , said India's first state-owned bank that day in south Mumbai woman formally operational , Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh attended the opening ceremony.
Reported that this start-up capital 10 billion rupees ( about 980 million yuan ) of the Bank entitled " Women's Bank of India " , the bank mainly female conduct financial business , including the provision of small loans to encourage female entrepreneurship , tailored to a variety of financial products as well as non-governmental organizations and training of women engaged in the occupation , and the employees are women . Men were also allowed the bank to open an account , but not make loans .
Indian women bank currently has seven branches , plans to expand in 2017 to 500 . Bank is also considering to open branches in rural areas so that rural women services. Singh said the protection of women is not only punish sex offenders , but also give women the right to enjoy financial services . Agence France-Presse said that currently only 26 percent of Indian women in the formal financial institutions to open accounts. State-owned banks led by Indian women female bank , after some of the state-owned Bank of mixed women . If in 1997 the creation of " Manders Mara " Banks , currently the bank customers more than 185,000 , of which more than half of rural women .